Ramazan 2022 Contest Winners

Results K-2nd Grade

Draw at least three animals that are mentioned in any of the three holy books.

Madina Sabr Ghazaly

1st Grade

Ilana Sikkander

2nd Grade

Abdullah Javed


Alia Alwreikat

2nd Grade

Honorary mention

Aimen Yaqoob

2nd Grade

Honorary mention

Hashim Alwreikat


Honorary mention

Results 3rd – 5th Grade

Design and draw a prayer mat.

Rania Hasan

5th Grade

Alina Hasan

5th Grade

Aleesa Sikkander

4th Grade

Lujayne Ahmed

4th Grade

Asher Pasha

4th Grade

Honorary mention

Ayman Reza

4th Grade

Honorary mention

Results 6th – 8th Grade

Use artwork to express compassion and love in life.

Humzah Farooq

8th Grade

Sara Reza

7th Grade

Aymen Mian

8th Grade

Honorary mention

Results 9th – 12th Grade

Use your artwork to express what peace looks like to you: inner peace or in the world around us.

Saania Zafar

11th Grade