K-2nd Grade Winners

Aiza Shaukat

2nd Grade


Aiza Shaukat is an eight year old sweet and kind hearted girl. She loves making friends, expressing herself through art, reading and writing stories. She easily becomes the center of the room as she walks in. No matter how much fun she is having, she is always mindful about everyone’s feelings and making everyone feel included.She is a very caring sister to an almost 6 year old brother and a 2 year old brother. She wants to be a teacher and game designer when she grows up so that she can make cool games for Muslim kids to learn about their Deen and embrace their identity in a fun way.

Description of Aiza’s artwrok in her own words:

I drew this because it’s my favorite memory of Eid. There was an Eid fair. I went to my mom after playing with my friends. We sat on a bench by the duck pond. We could see fireworks! It was a very peaceful feeling. Eid means that peaceful, happy feeling and having fun. Everytime I think of Eid, I think of this memory and it makes my heart feel very happy. Eid Mubarak!

Raidi Izaan Khan

2nd Grade

Sarah Adnan

1st Grade