K-2nd Grade

Artwork Theme

  • Draw the flags of at least three Muslim countries. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDED THEME IN YOUR ARTWORK.
  • Artwork can be realistic or abstract. You may include people and animals in your artwork, though no portrayal of holy figures such as God, Prophets, Angels, etc. is allowed.
  • Any of the following mediums may be used:
        • Paints (watercolor, tempera, poster, acrylic, etc.)
        • Drawing materials (colored pencils, charcoal, colored chalk, pastels, oil pastels, markers, etc.)
        • Collage materials (cut and glued papers, such as construction paper, tissue paper, wrapping paper, aluminum foil, etc.)
  • Participants are encouraged to use bold colors and vibrant lines.

Judging Criteria

All artwork submissions will be reviewed by judges based on the following criteria:

  • Interpretation of the theme
  • Originality
  • Artistic skill
  • Creativity

Submission of Artwork

  • Take a high-resolution picture of your artwork or obtain a high-quality scan of your artwork.
  • Save your original work as you will be asked to mail your original work if you win the contest.
  • The deadline for entries is Wednesday, May 15th, 2024.
  • Entries submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.


  • Send your artwork to submit@islamicartexpressions.com
  • Must write, “Artwork Submission” in the subject of the email or it will be marked as spam.
  • Must Include the following information in the email or your entry will not be accepted. Parent/Guardian Name, Address, Email, Phone Number,  Student Name, Current Grade, School Name & Address.
  • Wait for an email confirming that your artwork has been accepted in the competition; it can take up to two days for the confirmation email to arrive.

Note for parent/legal guardian:
Submitting artwork is the acknowledgment that I am a parent/legal guardian of the entrant and give my permission for them to enter the contest. I have read and accept the official contest rules and acknowledge the IAE privacy policy that applies. I confirm that the entrant is eligible according to the contest rules, and the work submitted is the original creation of the participant.

Notification of Finalists

  • Winners will be announced on the IAE website on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024. An email will also be sent to the finalist informing them of their achievement.